Nothing is certain in this life but death, taxes and that David has administered it at some point. From questionable pubs to a bankrupt’s home complete with concealed internal shooting range; turf farms with unwanted links to bikies to one of Australia’s largest Ponzi schemes – he’s seen, run or sold it all.
David’s been in the game for longer than most (read all). In the insolvency world it’s as much what you know as it is who you know and for both there is no substitute for experience. A fulsome understanding of the strategy and dynamics of often adversarial commercial negotiations and then who in town can help to implement creative solutions only comes with time. David’s fielded more low-ball offers, mediated more meetings between disgruntled partners, been called more 4 letter words and changed the locks on more premises than anyone in town. It’s that experience which gives him full and terrifying nightmares and an uncanny ability (more Clout!) to meaningfully help those grappling with solvency issues they thought were insurmountable.
Over the years many of Queensland’s top insolvency operators have learned their trade under the tutelage of Mr Clout. He brings a brand of lateral thinking to a matter which few can match and his team benefit from his guidance and strategic insight on every matter carried in his firm. Importantly, David appreciates how trying financial strain is for both companies and individuals alike, and will work tirelessly to help people extricate themselves from trouble or wipe the slate clean as painlessly as possible.
David is recognised professionally by his peers in the Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association (ARITA) as a Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Fellow (RITF).
The Paperwork
Official Liquidator
Registered Trustee
Bachelor of Arts (Accounting) – Macquarie University
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Australian Restructuring Turnaround and Insolvency Association (ARITA)