What is business recovery (turnaround)?
In times of financial uncertainty or distress, businesses often need expert assistance and advice.
At David Clout & Associates, our favourite projects involve helping businesses facing financial difficulty to turn things around before it is too late.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen as often as we would like.
Because business owners facing financial difficulties tend to be reluctant to face the reality of their situation. This is also true of directors of companies.
In short, in a financial crisis, there is often an inclination for everyone to avoid the issue and hope that problems will magically disappear.
How can we help turn around your business?
We provide expert independent turnaround advice for businesses and companies facing financial difficulties.
Who do we act for?
We act for:
- sole traders
- private companies
- public companies.
We are experienced in assisting clients operating in a range of industries, including:
- building/construction
- manufacturing
- mining
- agriculture
- boat building
- retail
- hospitality.
What can we do to help you turn around your business?
If your business is not performing as well as it should, we can identify the key factors affecting its operation. This may include looking at:
- competitors
- industry dynamics
- product life cycles
- profitability and viability.
If your business is facing ‘troubled waters’, what are your options?
If your business is facing financial difficulties, you have three options:
- turnaround (a strategy to improve profitability)
- workout (a creditor-led strategy to reduce indebtedness and restructure the business)
- insolvency (the distribution of assets to creditors on an equitable basis)
How can we help you?
At David Clout & Associates, our primary aim is to recover the viability of the business, if possible.
This may involve examining your business and providing:
- a business viability review
- a management review
- a pre-lending/refinancing review
- security reviews
- a cash-flow management strategy
- a turnaround strategy
- a proposal to restructure.

Are you or your company facing an uncertain financial future? David Clout leads a team of highly regarded experts in insolvency. They are experienced negotiators and strategic thinkers. David is a registered Liquidator and Bankruptcy Trustee, he is qualified to accept a range of insolvency appointments. Call +61 7 3129 3316 to arrange a consultation.